STUDIO GULLI’ Associated Accountants operates with 2 locations in Northern Italy and 2 offices abroad in Dubai (EAU) and New Jersey (USA)
1. Via Alfieri 2 – Orbassano (TO) – Tel: +39 011 900 2776, fax: +39 011 901 9361
2. Via Cuminie 23 – Villar Dora (TO) – Tel: +39 011 935 1878 Mob: +39 339.542.5818
3. Al Moosa Tower 2, 14th Floor, Trade Centre – Trade Centre 1 – Dubai -EAU Phone +971 4 327 2707
4. 525 Route 73 North, Suite 104 Marlton, NJ 08053-USA (Five Greentree Centre) Phone (+1) 856 334 0595

Studio Gullì America is starting now!
The entrepreneurial project begins, it consists of the opening of a branch of the Italian firm, which will be called Studio Gullì America located in the State of New Jersey.The idea is to give wide-ranging support to both the Italian, Latin and native communities. The location in the State of New Jersey is fundamental for an extraordinary development opportunity.New Jersey is one of the most heterogeneous states in terms of ethnicity and religion, and is also one of the states with the highest presence of Italian Americans, Latin Americans, Europeans and non-European Americans. Studio Gullì America will not only deal with fiscal, tax and administrative practices, but will invest in the territory in which it operates, intensify and increase the connection also in the social sphere.
STUDIO GULLI’ is Certified Pubblic Account and recorded into National Chartered Accountants of Turin: the register of chartered accountants & the register of mediators.

For any further information or questions please feel free to contact us through the contact form on the Contact page.