Voluntary Disclosure
Voluntary disclosure renewed in the Budget Law 2018 Budget Law 2018: new limits to the use of cash, 200 billion euro to recover Budget Law 2018, an incoming new close to the use of cash, with the voluntary disclosure renewed and the introduction of the obligation for electronic invoicing between private individuals. Here are the measures envisaged.limits to the use of cash and voluntary disclosure renewed in the Budget Law 2018: The objective is to bring out well 200 billion at least necessary now to the Government, struggling with budgetary constraints and with the measures necessary for the growth of Italy.precisely in the field of use of the currency in cash the Budget Law 2018 aims to introduce yet important measures, with the introduction of tax news designed to promote the use of electronic money, more traceable to taxation and less subject to tax evasion.In the meantime, after the announcement of a possible justification of cash, you begin to lift the first controversy: the voluntary disclosure 2017, a real flop, had already done warm the hearts last Year when already in view of the maneuver 2017 it began to talk about a possible extension to cash held in safe deposit boxes and not declared. We try to understand how to operate the new voluntary disclosure and what are the limits to the use of cash that the Government thinks to introduce into the law of Budget 2018. One of the innovations that the Government is apparently planning to introduce is a new edition of voluntary, a remission focused in this case to the emergence of cash held in safe deposit boxes and not declared. The Budget Law 2018 sets the ambitious goal to aim at those 200 billion currently not declared and on which went thus achieved an important tax evasion. A measure more times announced and criticized, which according to many – and despite the attentions of the government – is likely to emerge and stabilize part of dirty money from unlawful acts., who shall accede to the cure of cash will pay a flat-rate tax with the constraints to invest part of this money in government securities.The main objective of the new close to cash is to make cash: the government is looking for more funds to be used for the growth of Italy, in primis to measures in favor of employment and against poverty. This is not however the only news that could limit the use of cash.If you currently are provided precise limits on the amount for payments in cash, what the next Budget Law wants to do is to go beyond that, with the introduction of the obligation of electronic invoicing for all. Limit the use of cash: electronic invoicing in the Budget Law 2018 close to cash will not pass only by voluntary disclosure in new look: important tax news also in the field of VAT, which will introduce the requirement for electronic invoicing between private individuals and a new close to compensations Vat. Electronic invoicing between private individuals would become a fundamental instrument to allow full traceability of money, making parallel drop considerably cash transactions. All for the benefit of the Tax Agency, but in this case also taxpayers. Electronic invoicing would be able to eliminate the numerous and complex tax obligations currently contemplated, as spesometro and communication of the liquidations Vat. Not only: Limits the movement of money even with the extension of the obligation of split payment, with which the purchaser in substance anticipates the payment of VAT and that according to rumors with the Budget Law 2018 could also be extended to unlisted companies that exceed a certain size