Accountants Associated Ballario & Gulli is a firm of Chartered Accountants that is able to offer a wide coverage of the territory because of its three bases: in Orbassano (Turin, Italy), another to Villar Dora (Turin) . We operate within the framework of the tax advice online, business consulting, corporate, tax and accounting, Our Studio offer its guests numerous services including: the assistance company, ongoing assistance in extraordinary operations, providing tax advice, audits, assignments in insolvency proceedings, the formation of budgets, the writing business plan, the drafting of budgets social and sustainability, the business advice, financial and economic, the consulting contract, appraisals and valuations of companies, succession, hereditary divisions and mediations.
The validity of the service offered by our Studio of is guaranteed by the continuous and constant updating of professional people that work here. In addition, thanks to a wide network of co-operation with external professionals, the Study Associated With BALLARIO & GULLI’ is able to fully support the activities of its customers in all the laws, all of the commercial negotiations, economic, financial and tax in particular in italian taxation, tax litigation, accounting, and related data processing, business law, company formation, legal assistance contracts, disposing of the activity or crisis of the company. It is also responsible for personnel administration, processing of wages and contributions, relations with the social security and insurance institutions as INPS or INAIL, assistance in the field of accounting designed to control of the financial performance of the activity by drawing up of documents quotes the objectives, studies of comparison with the foreign taxation, constant scrutiny of the results of activity, and in continual correspondence with professionals capable of interfacing with the foreign correspondents in real time through the use of modern telecommunications technology, ensuring maximum efficiency and confidentiality to its clients for any developments or consolidations of activities in the international with a continuous assistance on bureaucratic and institutional, the entrepreneur and assisted since the start-up phase, from the feasibility study of the investment, through the Preparation of a Business Plan, financing of the transaction and Tax Planning.
Dr. Tina Gulli accountant in Turin (n. 2764). Statutory Auditor is an expert on contracting, successions, divisions.
Civil Law, corporate, and national and international trade.
Native Italian and spanish.
Ombudsman at Arbimedia adr.